Friday, 16 December 2011

Importance of a Cover Letter on Resume Website

A cover letter is a document, which is sent supporting a resume. The name itself says that it is a letter, which covers something. It gives you an opportunity to present yourself to an employer. This is the first time, when an employer knows something about you. In other words, it could be said that this is your first impression that gets created in the mind of the employer.

You may think that a cover letter has no importance and it is wastage of time, when you are sending a resume, but this is not the truth. There are conditions that a candidate with a well written cover letter gets an interview call, whereas one without a cover letter does not. So, if you want to get hired for your dream job, then you need to have an impressive and targeting cover letter. This will assist you not only in the short run, but also in the long run of your career.

A candidate applying for a job with a well written cover letter always has an advantage in the present competitive scenario. You may get better opportunities in your career, if you have an impressive cover letter for a particular job. You can go through some resume website and refer them for your help. There are many websites, which provide relevant information, and they will also provide you different samples for writing a cover letter.

There are several points that you need to keep in mind while writing a cover letter. A cover letter should be short and specific. It should not be written more than a page. You need to mention all your important skills and experiences relevant to the job, you are applying for. Try to mention, what you can do for the company, if you get hired. You need to create a positive impression anyways through your cover letter.

Cover Letter Tips
The tips which would be helpful in writing a cover letter are as follows:

  • Avoid many “I”
  • Can be long but not more than 5 paragraphs
  • Cover letter should be short but specific
  • Use modern technology to send
  • Avoid common mistakes like spelling and grammar
  • Should be generic, imaginative, creative and original
  • Mention name of the employer in salutation
  • Font should be same in cover letter and resume
  • Have knowledge about the company

Thus, a cover letter always has a positive impact, if it is written well. It always helps get your dream job. So, take of some resume website and prepare a impressive and effective resume.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Steven. A cover letter covering the major points from your cover letter. So it must send with resume. It is the tool used to grab the attention of the hiring manager.
