There is a question in the mind of the people, that how to make a resume website. The job is not as tough as it seems, but it has some complexities too. When you plan to make such website, then you need to know the complete process, where to start and where to finish. You will have to start the process from choosing an URL for your website. Choose an URL which suits you the best, in the case of website for publishing personal resume , and choose a URL which contains “resume” as one of its keywords words, if it is for general informative website on resume. In both the cases try to keep the URL as short as possible, because shorter the URL, easier to remember. After choosing your URL, you need to register a domain. The domain with extension”.com” is much impressive, and provides uniqueness to your website. It could be understood even if the extension is not said.
There are some other important points too, which you need to concentrate on, such as logo of your website. A logo will help you to create a brand name, in the field of internet marketing. A logo helps a visitor of the page to remember your site, and has a brand image on his/her mind. Apart from a logo, there are also some tools, such as banner and design, which helps your website look attractive. It’s good to design the website but excess of this, would ruin your website, so you need to be very careful about this. Thus, you can make a good resume website whether personal or informative.
Please someone tell me how to write a good resume. I am a fresher and have no experience before….